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So you're about to set up your web site, and need a domain name. You may have worked out already that the .com market is saturated with almost every english word combination known to man. Here are a few points to consider when deciding on a domain name.
It is will known that the best way to drive more visitors (and customers) to your site is to be listed in search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. That is why 'search engine optimisation' (SEO) has become such an important factor in the online industry. Most marketers will agree that having a keyword rich domain name can assist your search engine ranking. Larger sites may not have these keyword rich domains, but they generally have paid a lot of money for brand recognition and marketing. We are focusing on getting the most 'bang for your buck'.
Choosing a keyword rich domain does not mean you will end up with a fifty foot long name that nobody will ever remember.
Let's say your business sells books. The internet has many major online book stores such as and local varities like Dymocks and Angus & Robertson. It is unlikely you will be able to compete with such large players budgets on such a broad term as 'books'.
But what if you sell only cook books. The segment of people searching for 'cook books' is much smaller than that of people searching for 'books' in general. Perhaps you specialise in Indian cook books, reducing the segment again. All of a sudden you have a great target audience to focus on.
Choosing a keyword rich domain ( for example) will not only tell potential customers what it is you are selling, but will assist your search engine ranking for anyone searching for a specific product.
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